Tuesday 6 September 2011

New Job- New Operation!

What a week! My school is fabulous I am so lucky. Wonderful children and a great atmosphere.

Although Carl is very sad stuck in hospital tonight waiting for the operation tomorrow, and I must admit I did cry when I left him there, I was sitting here thinking ad reviewing the last three weeks- the first three weeks of our lives at Ex-Pats and we are so fortunate. We have AMAZING neighbours - I never thought anyone could ever come close to Milon and Amanda but Geraldine and Richard are wonderful. She immediately took over looking after Carl so I wouldn't have to worry on my first day in work! All the people in our compound are really friendly and have included us in lots of things. We are beginning to have a social life ( Whist drive next week and we all know how keen on cards Carl is!!)
However - getting a cup of tea in a Lagos hospital canteen was -different. Cold water, tea bag,evaporated milk and microwave! - Not exactly a Japanese tea ceremony and quite frankly undrinkable. But it was served with a wonderful smile and a, " Hope you are well Mar" so how could you do anything else but say thanks and drink it. Oh and make a note NEVER to have tea again!!!

So although tonight I feel very, very homesick, on balance things are good.
Hope the next blog is a bit more upbeat.

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