Friday 14 October 2011

Social Life

We seem to have suddenly acquired the most amazing social life (OK it is a bit 50's) but went out again tonight as the guests of a hotel, tomorrow Opera and a meal guests of the Italian Consulate, Sunday huge thanksgiving service and meal, Tuesday British High Commission, Friday Jazz night, Saturday wine festival and Sunday next week down to Bonny Island. throw in a bit of whist and you have perfection!! I think I'll try to get a Risk club going here as well.
As Carl said can't remember when we have had so much vintage champagne in a week.
And I have fresh milk!!!!
Ex Pat life seems good today.

However Carl went shopping for vegetables today and asked Beatrice to clean them for him (ie soak them in Milton) He bought some really nice spring onions, and for some reason she cut all the white onion bit off and threw it  in the bin and all we were left with was green stalks!! WHY?

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