Sunday 20 May 2012


Well, we have joined the yacht club and started learning to sail. We are going out on little catamarans- two people at a time and they go like the wind. it is really great fun, but we need to improve!! So I started learning how to use the harness that enables you to lean right out over the side of the boat- see the picture!! I had bruises on my bruises on my blisters. But couldn't wait to get on the water.
 The water by the yacht club is very warm- like a bath but really oily and full of rubbish and less than pleasant things., and it is an amazingly busy channel as well. So you have to looking all the time for ships and tankers that wont see you. Still Joe and myself took off - me in the harness attached to the boat and started tacking etc around the bay, and then- we took a turn too sharp and the whole boat capsized and we were firmly in the water. All I could think was don't swallow please don't swallow!! It took us quite a time to get the boat back up the right way, involving two further dunkings in the water. I lived in fear of eye and other infections for the next week- people kept regaling me with stories of friends who had gone in the harbour and come down with multiple boils etc later. Still I appear to be boil free at the moment!.But hey this is Nigeria!!!!!!

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