Monday 28 May 2012

Gross out

Ok it is the rainy season here and there are lots of bugs about, but our poor guinea pigs have been limping so we got the vet in, they had Tumbu Fly larvae growing under the skin of their feet. The poor creatures must have been in agony, so while Daniel. Head steward held the guinea pigs, I squeezed the red boil like lump. You cannot believe how huge the larvae was that I squeezed out!!! They were larger than my ring finger nail and white, fat and wrigling!,both guinea pigs had 3 in their feet and they left massive holes and craters, but hopefully the antibiotics will clearr that up. I don't think the stewards though that Me, a yebo could deal with the insects without screaming!! However if I ever get Tumbu fly I will be on the first plane home and will be screaming all the way.

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