Monday 28 May 2012

It is a very small world

Unfortunately, Carl has had a quite nasty health scare - I am not going to go into it here, but suffice it to say he has had to have a colonoscopy. Thankfully all is clear and he is Ok only diverticulosis which is easy controlled by weight loss (!) and a bit of diet change. However, the consultant he saw asked if he was Swedish to which he replied no, Welsh and Mr. Dayo Ajayi, replied that he trained at the Heath Hospital and lived in Wales for 25 years. And he was known as Dai when he lived n Wales. He lived in Abergavenny and just outside Monmouth. He also knew so many people in common with us!! But the truly bizarre thing was when we went to see him today he greeted us in Welsh!!! We are n half term this week so hope to go and see some places and take photos.

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