Sunday 20 May 2012

London visit

Last weekend I had a flying visit to London to attend a conference and interview a couple of teachers. Both were very successful and hopeful Jenny will be joining St Saviour's in September.
When you live in the UK you take so many things for granted and it is only when you are not in a 1st world country that you truly appreciate the things we have in the UK.
shall I list them?

  • electricity - all the time no power outs
  • hot water in the hotel room- all the time
  • zebra crossings!!!! which people respect
  • streets that you can walk down and look at shop windows
  • well stocked supermarket shelves with amazingly cheap out of season food.
so I stocked up on British asparagus  and we have been eating it and savouring it all week!

Hey but it was great to come back to the warmth - both temperature and welcome from people. 

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