Monday 28 May 2012

Gross out 2

We are in half term so I thought I would cook some Boston baked beans using local adult beans. These beans are small and white but taste lovely and as Carl has to ncrease his roughage and pulse intake thought it would be great. I bought the beans loose from Suya marketlast month and used half and put the rest in a large airtigiht container. As I poured the beans into the saucepan to soak, I noticed they were moving - all by them selves!! THey were crawling with weevils - and what is worse still so was the rice and the flour!!!! And they must be bad because Beatrice said we had to throw it all away, not wash them or pck out the weevils but throw it away- unheard of in Nigeria to throw away food! Sort if you haven't read he Aubrey maturin series of books se in the napoleons wars, but the joke gets how do you chose between two weevils? You always chose the lesser of two weevils!!!

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