Tuesday 16 August 2011

We are here!!

After a hectic and stressful couple of days, the house has changed hands and Hanna and Tony are now ensconced in Monmouth.
We left for the airport leaving our fantastic friends drinking champagne and loaded 6 huge suitcases into the bus.
the flight was excelent and we landed at about 5:30am. The shell guys were there to meet us and we eventually got to the Eko Hotel at about 9:00. We had to be at the Shell headquarters for 11:00 and then spent the whole day signing for things, seeing medical staff and getting our badges and laptops.
 I still can't believe we hare here. But we have been made so welcome and everyone is so great that it felt like we were coming home almost this morning.
WE are both shattered and tomorrow we are going to the flat to change the locks and see what needs doing.

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