Wednesday 24 August 2011


We are so lucky, we have met a few of our neighbours and they are lovely. Mohammed and Hadija from Oman just sent, via their children, a huge dish of rice and meat as a welcome to Nigeria. Next door to us are Geraldine ad Richard and their ;little boy Sean- so so helpful and kind. But it is not just limited to neighbours, everywhere you go people are helpful and kind. I am still limping a bit with my leg, and strangers will come up to me to ask if they can help and to say how sorry they are for my pain!
Definately one huge positive about Nigeria is the kindness and warmth of the people. (except the check out girl in Park and Shop - they are obviously trained by British supermarkets to be vile).
Carl has been to one supermarket so many times that the security guys now know him and salute as he pulls in to the car park.
The security at the gates know us and don't stop us anymore and are really friendly and helpful
Andrew , the estate manager is a gem and has helped no end in putting the little niggles right but one thing that he can't do is get the shops to stock fresh milk--there is currently none to be had in Lagos.

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