Tensions are high in school over the Anniversary Gala Dinner (1000 guests and all the top artistes etc) and the meetings last for hours!. Tonight (whilst at the hospital with Carl - see later) I had a phone call from Nigerian TV, apparently on Saturday between 10:00am and 12:00 I am appearing on a top Nigerian chat show talking about the school and the anniversary. Of course no-one had told me!!!! I also found out by chance that I am giving the closing vote of thanks and probably the prayers. Still after this weekend we will be able to breathe and I might even get to do the day job ie see children!
So to the hospital. The boot arrived today - only 5 days late but heigh ho that is early by Nigerian postal service standards. They had had the boot for 3 days at the post office but hadn't told us. So now, ladies, I have a pump up pneumatic husband (every girls dream) I pump him up, and I can keep the pressure high as long as I want and then I can release the air and he deflates. Oh bliss. (unfortunately the only pneumatic part is his lower leg but we are working on that)
What else- well the traffic today was the worst ever it took me 1 hour to travel 3 miles but I noticed something that so far I hadn't spotted, the Lagos jail is in Freedom Park! Arbeit macht frei?
I also went to a Nigerian Secondary School prize giving- so much energy, so many huge hats, so bizarre and so, so, so long! But a huge welcome for me, special guest seats and amazingly talented, polite, helpful young people. when you see students like that you start to feel confident for the future of Nigeria- long may their idealism and fervour continue.
As I write this I am panicking Joseph my tailor has not arrived with my ball gown (2 days to go) I phoned him and he said he had had an accident on his ocada (motorbike) and was at the hospital- please God don't let my dress have been on the bike with him. (uncharitable thought I know but he said he wasn't badly injured and I am worried - what will I do if it isn't here?)
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