Monday, 17 October 2011

It's Church,Jim,but not as we know it!

St, Saviours is,as you probably realize,  60 years old this year ,making it one of the oldest schools in Nigeria.
There have been celebrations since March, coming to a grand finale last weekend with the Gala ball and,this weekend,with a thanksgiving service at the school's church which is called, not surprisingly,St Saviours !!.
The turnout of Parents,staff and pupils was excellent and the whole thing took just over two and a half hours.
People in Nigeria are generally very much more openly religious than the UK.Almost every conversation has elements of blessings,praising God and genuine belief so it came as no surprise to us that the church service was  very unlike the Anglican church services at home, although the Church is part of the Anglican Communion.
 The church itself is beautiful and quite large having been built in 1999 to replace the 1913 colonial church and features a  large gallery above the main floor where the 10 piece band (drums,guitars,trumpets,backing singers--the whole nine yards) is situated along with a sound system that would make Alice Cooper envious.
Those of you that have attended an Evangelical service in the UK would be very much at home and the expressions of faith and joy were genuine and heart felt.I do think, however,that the congregation of St Mary's in Monmouth would be shocked, to say the least.
In saying that,it is easy to see why religion is important in Nigeria. Going to Church,which most people do most Sundays,is enjoyable and entertaining and very inclusive of youngsters without the formality of the British form of worship. Joy abounds and everyone is so friendly that you can't do anything but  have fun.
Perhaps there are lessons to be learned by the Clergy in the UK--it is a fact that the Evangelical Movement is the only branch of Christianity that is growing in the UK--go figure!
The other thing that is noticeable is the effort that the Ladies make when attending church--it is an experience to look around and see the fabulous outfits and glorious colours and styles that are worn--everyone makes a real effort to be well turned out.
Susan was called on to read a lesson which she did well, but the expression on her face when Dr.Ohen (the Chairman of the board of Governors and a smashing chap) told her that,at a point in the service,she would be required to lead the procession down the main aisle from the back of the church to give the contributions from the school/parents/etc to the church--not a problem,you think,--HA !!   This was to be achieved,as they say in Little Britain,through the medium of Dance !!
There has only been one fleeting moment that I have been happy that I broke my leg and that was it!!  I know that I would have been prancing around with her if I had not been excused duty on medical grounds, but at least I was able to see the total look or mortification when she led the dance down the long aisle..
Light refreshments,which,over here means a small meal or small chops ,were served in the Church Hall after the service and everyone departed happy and smiling with a great deal of noise and bonhomie.
As Scotty in Star Trek would have said--It's church ,Jim---

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