Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Wednesday 28th September

Garden centres- roadside Nigerian style
So much has happened. OK driving on Sunday.- I actually ventured out onto Ikoyi roads - not the main roads admittedly but a road. It was very bizarre, we were the centre of attention. A white woman driving a white man is UNHEARD of. if you don't have a driver the woman doesn't drive, but as always in Nigeria the people were so helpful. The little motor bikes (ocadas) still drove at you, but when they saw me they sort of circled around us!!!Ikoyi is the most expensive real estate in Africa, and look at the state of the roads.

 We went to a really nice little old fashioned hotel and had Sunday lunch. We had Caesar salad (sort of) it had chicken and lettuce and was delicious but not Caesar salad. Just like all of Nigeria, different not better or worse but different.
Saturday night I made Yam porridge. It looked right, it smelled right, but OMG it was sooooo hot. Apparently black pepper in Nigeria is about 8 times as hot as red pepper and I put a desert spoonful in instead of a pinch. I took it to the security guards for their opinion. They said it was a bit hot even for them.but please make more!

Carl found it exhilarating but challenging.

OK that is upto Monday - the fire but thank the Lord no-one injured and of course I was able to drive! So able to rescue the girls.

This weekend is a huge one for |Nigeria and the school. Friday is Nigeria day and I have my fantastic outfit ready.  We begin with the anthem and pledge and then lots of food, music and dancing throughout the day, then a Bank Holiday on Monday. Sunday is the beginning of our 60th anniversary celebration and we have a huge pop concert on the school grounds (3000 people invited) and the organisation is massive, 50 security staff, massive marquees and food outlets 4 huge video link screens a full size green room for the top stars in Africa you name it, and a lot of the things have been donated to  the school.. The following weekend is a 7 course banquet celebratory dinner for 1500 guests, again in a full floored marquee with the top comedy and entertainment. I am embarrassed to say how much each ticket is, but a vast amount of money. BUT my evening gowns haven't arrived, Carl's dinner suit hasn't arrived so tomorrow the tailor comes to the flat. Carl is going to dress in traditional Nigerian 2 piece outfit  (I promise photos)and God knows what I am going to wear, I haven't even got my evening shoes!

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