Tomorrow is the Nigerian Independence celebrations in school. Practised raising the flag and singing the anthem today. It is very much like an Eisteddfod, each class are performing a dance and a song and there is traditional food and choral singing (no bakestones though!) I just hope I get through it without crying.- I always feel tearful when children sing the anthem (any anthem) and I had a tear today and we have hundreds of parents there tomorrow.
My hopes rose today, the air freight finally arrived- BUT NO Evening dresses or shoes, my clothes seem to have somehow been put into the sea freight and only half the bedlinen is here. I have the event of the Nigerian calendar next week and no dresses or black tie for Carl. So tonight my hairdresser, Wonderous's tailor came to the flat. He brought lots of samples of fabrics for Carl and he chose a black and gold with gold embroidery to be made into a traditional Nigerian men's formal dress. For me Joseph only brought one fabric- but what a fabric it was perfect (for me) bright pink silk with gold and dark pink embroidery- how did he know? Joseph then proceeded to sketch me a dress and measure me and it will be here next Wednesday -So just shoes to source. I think the way Nigerians greet you as my sister or my brother is so touching, today a Nigerian colleague introduced me to a man I hadn't met as her older sister and a member of her family, you wouldn't get that at home.
We are also hopelessly addicted to Indomie noodles- sort of super noodles but so much nicer and very Nigerian. I have just seen the World weather on the BBC, London and most of the UK is sunny and 29c and Lagos is rainy and 27c !! Excuse me but we came to Africa for the wonderful weather - what has happened!!
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