Friday 11 November 2011

Sail around the World

Last Saturday we went to another "do at the yacht club (life is just one huge social whirl) called "Sail around the world" basically you pay your money and you eat and drink as much as you can from 20 different ethnic stalls, from roast beef sandwiches and gin and tonic for England , through haggis and whiskey for Scotland to Braai and beer for South Africa via Irish stew and Guiness to falafel (Israel) and planters punch and everything in between.! A great evening. We danced (yes Carl danced - well shifted from leg to boot via crutch) we ate and we laughed and laughed. We are son lucky to have such great neighbours ad Richard and Geraldine to share things with!

Oh forgot Halloween - all the kids came to the door dressed up, Carl pounced out  from behind boxes and they overdosed on very sticky (well past sell by date but heigh hoh)  sweets - like home almost, but I did miss the boys, Kit and Joss and going to Chrissy and Peter's for the most amazing Halloween tea ever!

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