The Carol Service - 9 lessons and carols in an Anglican church with a really upbeat Nigerian feel. Wow did I cry!!! The kids were amazing, and my lovely Deputy Head Tina refused to follow Carl's instructions ie tell her that she has to dance down the aisle again!!! How have I remained married to this man for 31 years. Minor hiccup was the vicar wasn't told what time we were starting (huge error in Nigeria) and we had the choir at the back lined up ready to process to One in Royal David's City and Tina and myself were working out who was going to say what at Bidding Prayers, but luckily he arrived and was great.
We have started a Glee Club as well as choir an boy oh boy my Kids can belt out a number. FANTASTIC.
Then we had the Key Stage 1 Nativity- in the open air in the dark with a full moon AND a perfect Evening Star for the children to point at. It was truly magical and of course you can't go wrong with Reception angels singing and dancing but really it was a memory I will treasure for the rest of my life, only enhanced by the HUGE fruit bats flying overhead. (OK the professional photographer employed by one of the shepherds parents who ACTUALLY GOT ON THE STAGE to photograph the child was a bit inconvenient but I remember the Rougemont days and parents are the same all over the world - only think of their child. AND he got off the stage when I (discreetly) shouted B....Off!! to him. And no-one else seemed to notice!
BUT it's last week at school- where have the weeks gone? I am lucky to be in such a caring warm atmosphere (I am saying that a bit tongue in cheek because I don't think teachers have ever had their reports scrutinised with the Eriksson eye and they were a bit shocked but it isn't going out with my name on it if it isn't perfect) AND I know people will laugh because of my typing gaffs but school is different.
NOW to the other ex-pat who doesn't seem to do much for the blog etc but wants it kept upto date and everything else I'm interviewing a teacher via Skype in Thailand tonight - may need to visit him... See you all NEXT WEEK
Ha !! The other Ex Pat will fill in the gaps but the typing will be better, the grammar will be better, and the syntax will make sense !
The last week but one before going home has been the usual meals out etc.
On Monday I went to (Susan the angel was working!!) the Christmas lunch party for our compound--it's tough being "the Spouse" when you have to sit with 24 others--all female! (actually it really is fun ).As usual , drink was taken and I tottered back to our place just in time for Susan to arrive home for--you've guessed it, a stiff G&T which, naturally, I had to share.
I'll be glad to get home if only to give the liver a rest.
Wednesday,as Susan said, was the School Carol Service.The kids were good but it was, to say the least, confusing because of the mixing of verses etc.In one carol there was a verse for Ladies--who all dutifully sang--next verse , men.....or should I say Man, coz only one mug joined in and guess who that was.
Thursday night, out to the GQ with my pal Bing for Tex/Mex and Margueritas then Friday night out to the school Nativity play/concert--very interesting and very Nigerian. I don't say that in a bad way but it was certainly different from the sort of thing you expect to see in UK. The kids were great and a good time was had by all.
Off to the Market at Lekki on Saturday morning for some veggies and bits--it is funny how all the fruit is ripe and sweet, the sweetcorn perfect etc,etc, until you get it home and try to eat it--I guess Market traders are the same the world over but they take it to another level over here.
Saturday night out to the PTA bbq at the school with free cocktail bar and a barman that mixed Mohitos that were brilliant--I found out (too late ) that each drink contained 4 measures of rum which is what gave them that particular kick.Half a dozen of those and you are anybody's (or everybody's if your not careful).
Sunday--Ahh! a "lie in" til late morning but then up ,do the Roasties and Carrots for Christmas lunch with next door--proper job with Turkey and trimmings,a few bottles of wine, Christmas Pud,mince pies,pparty poppers and crackers.My best Pal,Sean (age 3) and I had a great time but,after the n'th drink, I did find some of the jokes a little challenging.
Thank goodness for a rest today.Tomorrow its a curry dinner with Howard, another head teacher,Wednesday is Shell works do, Thursday is School works do, Friday is packing to come home and then Saturday night is fish and chips in Monmouth (all being well, or as they say here," Please God !!")
It's Monday night,6.45pm,and on the balcony,where I'm sitting typing this, the temp is 28deg,humidity 38% and a lovely sunset.
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