We have had another hectic social week.
Monday- We went to a play brought over by The British Council which was a star at the Edinburgh Festival. Really good, but although myself and the other 30 people really enjoyed it - I think it was a waste of Taxpayers money (and if I paid taxes in the UK I would be angry with the BC) The play is moving on all over Africa and Australia- nice work if you can get it.
Tuesday- Carl and myself went to buy a freezer from a neighbouring compound, and our driver dropped us at the wrong door, so we had to walk past a member of staff's flat- I shouted to her just to say Hello and then she ran to me. She was having an extreme allergic reaction - the lot swollen face, lips and throat so I bundled her in my car and asked Whallid to drive as fast as he could - we got to the hospital in about 15 minutes but only just in time. NO way an ambulance would have got to her because no-one moves out of the way for them.As I have said before you must be self sufficient here- HUM should we buy a full operating kit when we are at home ?
Wednesday - fantastic curry with the Head of the British International School
Thursday - Thanksgiving at the American GQ club (we joined an American Club!!! great margaritas- since coming here I have definitely developed a taste for them) WE had the lot, ham, turkey, biscuits, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie all mixed with great drink and wonderful company.
Friday we stayed home and ate on the balcony
Saturday- today - we are going to the St Andrew's Ball with the Lagos Caledonian society - huge black tie affair with lots of Scottish dancing
And tomorrow Sunday we are going on another Field Society Trip this time in a sail boat to an old Slave port for a look around and lots of food.
This is mixed in with starting school at 7:00am and not stopping all day. I have bags under my eyes like you can't believe!!!
After the last trip , we collected well over 700 books for the school in the end and one parent gave me a cheque for the school of N50,000 (about £200) to buy things for the school. Some people are so caring.
I am going to come home to the uK whiter than I went away!! We have a fab pool but it is just too hot to spend any time outside at the moment. at 1:00pm today we sat outside in the shade for lunch and it was 31c but in the sun on the back balcony the thermometer reads 39.5c.!!!
And I am making cakes and mincepies for the British Women's Group bazaar next week.
IT DOES NOT FEEL LIKE CHRISTMAS I am still wearing strappy dresses and sandals .
I'll try an update the blog on the Ball and the trip tomorrow.